Non-tumblr favorite: The common short-tailed boombox catgirl

Tumblr favorite #1906: Say hello to Blinky!
Tumblr favorite #1907: Two-fisted ray-gun girl

This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Δ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “.” Here is what Bacchus found.

This artwork is by Garuku on Pixiv, and may be seen on Pixiv in a 2539×2360 pixel size where the “2013 11.5 Garuku” signature is clearly visible. The title is ウサミミヘッドスピーカー which Google’s machine translation only partly manages to cope with, rendering it as “Usamimi head speaker”.

Danbooru has an artist page for Garuku listing an extraordinary number of social media and web presence locations, including a “home page” mostly in Japanese here.