Tumblr favorite #1899: Sometimes a monster just wants to feel pretty, you know?

Tumblr favorite #1897: Giant fembot
Tumblr favorite #1900: Snake girl from the Cave City

My orignal tumblr post was here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Δ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Δ 069 Monsters Have Secrets.” Here is what Bacchus found.

This artwork in the style of European fumetti comics is a detail from one page of such a comic:


This comics page appears in a 2008 LiveJournal entry as one page of a seven-page strip, which sadly is not identified by name, publication, or artist. However, image filenames containing the string “HEMBRASPELIGROSAS05” suggest that the strip may have appeared in Issue #5 of Hembras Peligrosas, the cover of which advertises a story called El Secreto De Frankenstein. What that “secreto” might be is perhaps indicated by a panel from a different page of the strip:


The subject artwork appears to have also appeared in an unidentified publication with different lettering in French:
