Angel Island

Forever Frozen
Bimetal brassiere

But first, a cover painting that is unfortunately timely.

A sexy woman draped over a scarlet planet earth, illustrating Jack London's story "The Scarlet Plague" and executed by Lawrence Sterne Stevens.

The cover painting is by Lawrence Sterne Stevens, who also contributed a number of illustrations of appealing angels to accompany feminist author and activist Inez Haynes Gillmore’s (1873-1970) story “Angel Island.”

Angels frolic in the moonlight in an illustration created by Lawrence Stern Stevens for Inez Haynes Gilmore's story "Angel Island."
An angel approached by a stranger.
“Suddenly the men got sound of her…the noise of her splashing covering their approach.”
An angel in a treetop.
“She lay there as she had fallen, caught in the topmost boughs of a high tree.”

This issue of Famous Fantastic Mysteries is available to read and download at the Internet Archive.