Woman and Robot II

We continue the series with an iconic image which although it’s already all over the internet deserves a mention here, because it’s a gorgeous image.  It’s another afterglow moment (at least as I read the picture), called “Personal Robot.”

It’s the work of Los Angeles-based artist Franz Steiner, and you can see many more like it in his gallery.

Woman and Robot I

Where I live it’s cold and gray out in late February, so I’m going to heat things up with that mainstay of thaumatophile dreams — images of hot sex between women and robots.

We’ll begin with a classic, from the French comic book (on which a certain movie was loosely based) Barbarella.  It’s a benign, afterglow moment.

Variants of this appear a fair amount around the web, but I found this particular one at a fun and sexy site called Diamond Dusted and Rhinestoned.