Keeping afloat…

Bear with me
Invisible Girl, Heroine: Chapter Four, Page Six

Those among you who follow closely may have noticed that some parts of the site have been updating a bit tardily over the past few days. I am sorry about this, but thanks to the great storm I lost power completely on Monday evening and now (late Friday afternoon where I am) neither power nor my regular Internet service has been restored. I am patching things together as best I can with wireless Internet devices and batteries recharged when opportunities allow, but as you can well imagine, this can be a little awkward with images as large as we typically find here. Satellite sites (Pyrosophy, Thaumatophile Imagery, The Erotic Mad Science tumblr, and even the @EroticMadSci twitter) have been largely silent since Monday as well.

I’m hoping that things will improve in the next few days. For those of you bearing with me, I am grateful.

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