Tumblr favorite #2761: Experimenting on Druuna

Tumblr favorite #2760: A would-be's lab
Tumblr favorite #2762: Santo knows how to deal with these things
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My original tumblr post was here. I reblogged these comics pages from this tweet with the explanatory text “Tweeted by BD-adultes.com ‏@BdAdultes. Accompanying text ‘Druuna et le “docteur”’… Le tome 3 de la saga est disponible depuis hier chez BD-Adultes : https://t.co/s91LRrXIRH.“

2 thoughts on “Tumblr favorite #2761: Experimenting on Druuna

  1. Druuna may be pretty, but she is always so submissive. That, and I could never really stomach Serpieri’s style of body horror.

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