Another Noel Toy by Dark Vanessa

Penerotic Pulp Art recreation: Mummy's Prey
Pulp Parade #194: Why didn't Playboy ever run a "Girls of the Guillotine" issue?
A kneeling representation of the exotic dancer Noel Toy by Dark Vanessa.

Another just-gorgeous image of the Chinese-American exotic dancer Noel Toy (1918-2003) done by my friend Dark Vanessa (you can see her first illustration here. A nice transition between chapters of Visiting Faculty! If you’re feeling generous, Vanessa has a Patreon page as well.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please keep in mind that the Creative Commons license does not impair the moral rights of the artist, so feel free to copy and share the work, or write sexy stories based on the work, but don’t mutilate it.