At least she floats

In the breast-expansion tube
Spreading up her body

This slightly-squicky (but thematically appropriate) tube-girl image is a reblog from a 26 December 2018 post at Infernal Wonders. Provenance is a bit obscure in spite of the signature and date in the lower right-hand corner as I can’t OCR them or otherwise reproduce them in a machine-readable format. However some searches indicate that the artist goes by the name of “acerbi.” There is a gallery available at this site (warning: pop-ups/unders), and at least one of the images is thematically similar, and perhaps somewhat less squicky.

One thought on “At least she floats

  1. I confirm “acerbi” as a possible reading, though of course variant spellings are possible: “atcherubi”, “acherubi”, “achelbi”… It’s just a string of Japanese hiragana (that is, a syllable-alphabet) used to represent an obviously non-Japanese word or name.

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