New image blogs now added

Big new publication experiment
Big damn blogging milestone

I am pleased to be able to announce the addition of two new image blogs. I have a lot of images which I am attempting to tag and organize, and given how efficient WordPress is for classifying things I’ve figured I might as well use it and, as long as I am using it, I might as well share what I have with the world. I am also in the process of trying to make sure that I rescue images off my various tumblrs against the possibility that that resource might go bad.

The first of these blogs, Hedonix, is a collection of images off various tumblrs that happen to make me happy. There is erotica, to be sure, though mostly on the “nicer,” cheesecakier side of things. But there will also be glamour images and other things I like, like pictures of libraries, cityscapes, and trains and other classic bits of technology.


The second of these two new resources is Infernal Wonders, devoted to images that, while often still erotic, might be a bit on the not-so-nice side. The domain name comes from a figure who in Christian demonology serves as the secretary and custodian of the public archives of Hell (I guess you’d have to be really evil to figure out their cataloging system!). These are largely images which might have fit into the “squick or squee” parades of this and past years, save that now they’ll be occurring all year round for at least as long as I have images to post.


For those who are curious, I have also written a little essay on why it is that I feel the need for a site like this one.

Both new sites are done up in a very clean WordPress theme (Origami Premium) that runs without sidebars, so you should be able to see the bigger images in sizes as big as your browser will allow. Feel free to head over, browse, and enjoy!