PAGE 15 (Four panels)
Panel One: GRACE BLUESTONE (“Grace”) and her boyfriend STANLEY (“Stanley”) are walking along a lighted path on a college campus at night. There are leafy trees that extend their branches over the path.
Character design note: They make an attractive couple, casually dressed and in their early twenties. Their designs are otherwise at the discretion of the artist.
Stanley: And so the painter said “Lenin? Lenin’s in Poland!”
Grace: Oh, ha ha. Saw that punchline coming kind of a long way away.
Panel Two: View from up in one of the trees the limbs of which overhang the path on which Grace and Stanley are walking. A big mass of goop is on one of the main limbs and is just beginning to drip off to the path below.
Grace (out-of-panel balloon): Though I’ll concede that approaching Soviet political history through jokes is an audacious approach.
Panel Three: A bit of the goo drips onto Grace, who scrunches her shoulders and looks disgusted.
Grace: Oh, yuck! What is that?
Panel Four: Stanley is reaching over to Grace with a handkerchief. Stanley looks solicitous, and Grace is beginning to look a little shocked.
Stanley: Probably just some damn bird. Here, let me help you.
Grace: Stanley, I don’t think that was just a bird…
(Click on the image for larger size.
We Must Boost the Signal, Page 15 written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)