We Must Boost the Signal, Page 19

We Must Boost the Signal, Page 18
We Must Boost the Signal, Page 20


Horrors in the sewer


PAGE 19 (Four panels)

Panel One: Men in hazmat suits removing the protective grill from a large storm-sewage pipe.

Panel Two: A man in hazmat suit crawling down the pipe.

Panel Three: A man in a hazmat suit, now standing up in some sort of underground chamber, sweeping it with a powerful flashlight.

Panel Four: Close-up of the face of a man in a hazmat suit. His face is entirely covered by a mask, but we can see his eyes through the goggles of the mask, and they are wide and staring.


(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
We Must Boost the Signal, Page 19 written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)