PAGE 25 (Five panels)
Panel One: Macneil, counting something off on his fingers.
Macneil: Another was Grace Bluestone, a college student.
Panel Two: Macneil, continued.
Macneil: Her boyfriend actually witnessed her being attacked by a symbiote. He’s under extended psychiatric observation now…
Panel Three: Three cylinders standing in the room.
Caption: The other three we have here are unidentified. Chromosomal and DNA sampling indicates that all three were female. Two are probably Caucasian and one is probably Asian.
Panel Four: Close-up on Macneil’s face.
Macneil: And we have no real idea what this symbiote is, or where it comes from, or what kind of threat it might represent.
Panel Five: View of one of the trays, laid out next to one of the cylinders,. It contains bags with various bones and some of the clothing Grace Bluestone was wearing at the time she was attacked.
Caption: We do know that these things digest soft tissues of their victims, extrude the bones, and preserve the nervous systems.
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We Must Boost the Signal, Page 25 written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)