4 thoughts on “Gnosis Pharmacology: Chapter Six, Page Fourteen

  1. This drug sounds similar to something the Nazis were tried in WWII.
    The Nazis did use a form of crystal meth to hype their Sturmtruppen during Blitzkrieg attacks. German soldiers could go for three days or more with hardly any rest, overwhelming exhausted defenders. The Germans experimented with several derivatives, trying for even more endurance and fearlessness. In one test, a squadron of five prototype midget submarines were sent out. The boats were cramped, cold, noisy and crew conditions were miserable. The crews were given one of the “Supermeth” drugs, and sent out on a dangerous test course. None of the boats were ever seen again, and none of the crewmen were recovered. It is believed that they just kept pushing the craft farther and deeper with total disregard for the risks. Reality can be stranger than fiction.

  2. Wait, were they using steak knives as bayonets? Boy the Nazis were desperate!

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