Tumblr favorite #2076: Escaping the organ merchants

Tumblr favorite #2075: French four-sided triangle
Tumblr favorite #2077: Fantasy robot woman

My original tumblr post was here. This image was first posted on tumblr by johnnythehorse, who attributes it to an Italian comic book called Vipera Bionda. A check at ComicVine indicates that this is indeed the cover of Vipera Bionda #17, first published November 17, 1978.:


The cover is the work of prolific Italian comics artist Emanuele Taglietti.

2 thoughts on “Tumblr favorite #2076: Escaping the organ merchants

    • Me too, and given the dating on this issue of Vipera Bionda it seems entirely possible that the art concept was straight-up swiped by Taglietti, or possibly by his editors who just asked him for “qualcosa di simile a Coma.”

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