PAGE 41 (Four panels)
Panel 1: Eliza, about half climbed out of the tank, water dripping off her. A TECHNICIAN is pulling off one of her sensors. Eliza is smiling broadly.
Eliza (1): That’s just the most amazing thing, being underwater for all that time. I’ve never felt anything so peaceful.
Translation (1): C’est vraiment étonnant de rester sous l’eau pendant tout ce temps. Je n’ai jamais rien ressenti de si paisible.
Panel 2: Eliza standing outside the tank, all of her sensors now removed, toweling off but still wearing her one-piece suit.
Eliza (2): I can’t wait to do that naked in the open ocean.
Translation (2): Je suis impatiente de vivre cette expérience nue dans l’océan.
Panel 3: Daphne, back being interviewed in the coffeehouse.
Daphne (3): Back out? No way.
Translation (3): Des craintes ? Ah non.
Translation (4): Mais…
Daphne (5): But what? But I’m going to be immortal if I don’t go through with this?
Translation (5): Mais quoi ? Mais j’atteindrais l’immortalité si je ne donne pas suite à cela ?
Panel 4: Closer-in view of Daphne’s face. She looks deadly serious.
Daphne (6): None of us has the choice as to whether to die. We can only make it sooner, or maybe just a little later.
Translation (6): Aucun de nous n’a la liberté de demander à mourir. Nous ne pouvons mourir plus tôt, ou peut-être juste un peu plus tard.
Daphne (7): And we can try to attach meaning to death. That’s what I’m doing here.
Translation (7): Et nous pouvons essayer de voir une signification dans la mort. C’est ce que je suis en train de faire.
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