Auto-Icon Storyboard 170

Auto-Icon Storyboard 169
Auto-Icon Storyboard 171

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Outside the perimeter security fence, a group of noisy demonstrators have gathered. They are carrying signs with slogans like PRO-LIFE and STOP THE HUMAN SACRIFICE and PEOPLE AREN’T FOOD and SLAY THE MONSTER.



No to death! No to death!

The chanting and yelling continues.

Harry’s expensive car, driven by a uniformed driver with Harry in the back seat, approaches the main gate. Protesters attempt to converge on it, held back — not entirely effectively — by police.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

2 thoughts on “Auto-Icon Storyboard 170

  1. Looks like either:
    a) Someone’s broken their NDA,
    b) Security’s been a bit lax,
    c) Toozie’s not the only one who’s been doing some research on that photo.

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