Fabulae Atroces Fausti

The webcomics indexed by this page represent an attempt writing a slightly different kind of webcomic than the Tales of Gnosis College and perhaps an attempt to give voice to some darker impulses than I felt comfortable writing about in that series. I am not sure exactly how I would describe the genre to which they belong — something peculiar that lives in the space between black comedy and erotic horror, I guess. I suspect they will have a small audience. This fact bothers me not at all, as I write not for a living, but for making life bearable.

Click on the page image to the left of each description to be linked to the story.

A shadowy group — terrorists or freedom-fighters, according to your perspective — kidnap a government official and then present his wife with an obscene proposal. I wrote this story in the wake of recent momentous political events. Many people hated it at the time and perhaps you will as well, but it was something I had to write. There is a double-edged warning in here if you know how to read it correctly.

In this semi-pornographic parody of a television cooking show, our social-climbing hostess Dolcetta prepares a most unusual dish. This webcomic was written by Dr. Faustus and illustrated by Dark Vanessa.

En esta parodia semipornográfica de un programa televisivo de cocina, nuestra arribista presentadora Dolcetta prepara un platillo de lo más inusual. Este cómic web fue escrito por Dr. Faustus e ilustrado por Dark Vanessa.

To catch a most unusual sea creature, you need a most unusual kind of bait. This graphic novella was illustrated by Erosarts

Another short comic written by Faustus and illustrated by Dark Vanessa. “The Needs of the Many” is an erotic steampunk parody of a certain 1960s sci-fi television show. Can Yeoman Rosa Roundheel and her unique talents save the crew of the USS Erectus from a grisly fate in outer space?

Otra historieta corta escrita por Faustus e ilustrada por Dark Vanessa. “Las necesidades de muchos” es una parodia erótica steampunk de cierta serie televisiva de ciencia ficción de los años 60. ¿Podrán Yeoman Rosa Roundheel y sus talentos únicos salvar a la tripulación del USS Erectus de un destino catastrófico en el espacio exterior?