You can click on the map to view at full size (3325 by 2985 px) or download (~800 Kb).

Map of Gnosis College and Its Pleasant Prairie Environs written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)
Detailed discussion to post soon.
Where is the old brewery site and the old insane asylum site?
Both of these are intentionally off-campus sites, and so unfortunately we couldn’t include them on the map itself without making the map too large for our format, but as rough matter the old Weidegold Brewery site would be located east of campus off Mary Street (near the bit of railroad labeled “Industrial Spur”) and the Roscommon mental health facility is on the northeast edge of Pleasant Prairie.