Приманка 018

Чудовище атакует!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 18 (Four panels)

(Note: More Super 8 camera “footage.”)

Panel 1: Barron Jr. has zoomed in on something (possibly make it clearer with a little “ZOOM” in one corner of the panel). It is one of Phoebe’s ankles. The tip of a tentacle has wrapped itself around the ankle.

Panel 2: Phoebe in the middle of being yanked off her feet and dragged under the rail by the pull of the tentacle. Her hands are splayed out forward as she is falling, her sunglasses gone askew.

Phoebe (jagged, panicked balloon) (1): WHOOP!

Translation (1): Ооо!

Panel 3: View over the rail. Phoebe has been pulled into the sea, her fall throwing up a column of water.

SFX – Phoebe hitting the water (2): SPLASH!

Translation (2): БУЛТЫХ!

Panel 4: Phoebe’s head resurfacing briefly as she pulls herself back up above water.

Phoebe (3): Akhhh!

Translation (3): Аххх!

 Приманка (русский язык/Версия с длинной страницей)
Приманка (русский язык/Слайдер-версия)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 046

Dr, Kak gas sine bad news for Rosalie.

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Harry sits on one side of the table, facing Rosalie, Joe, and Ernie. Harry is leafing through a dossier and looking generally displeased.


And so over the last month this creature has downloaded terabytes worth of information off the Internet…


There’s some evidence that it is “listening in” on terrestrial radio as well.


Any independent evidence of intelligence?




Of a sort.


Such as?


It’s been uploading material into our virtual space. For example, it seems to have somehow produced a sound file that resembles a radio show.



Rosalie clicks something. On a video screen at the end of the table appears an oscilloscope-like graphic that moves as the voice below plays.


…all these immigrants pouring into the country, taking jobs away from real Americans, spreading their diseases, and the libtards in Washington don’t want to do anything to protect your rights. Now, I’m not advocating any violence here, but the Founding Fathers in their wisdom gave us the Second Amendment for a reason…

Harry makes a throat-cutting gesture. Rosalie promptly clicks the radio show off.


So we’ve spent how much money to create a new right-wing radio host?


The creature has also uploaded a text into virtual space.

Harry raises an eyebrow.


It’s a four hundred and fifty thousand word defense of the thesis that William Shakespeare wrote the New Testament.


And there’s the graphic novel it sent us.


(looking down at his dossier)

I don’t see anything about that here.


We thought you might find it distasteful.


“Vore University.” The touching story of a group of coeds who enroll in a program in which they are socialized into wanting to be meat.

Harry sighs and closes his dossier.


Lady and gentlemen, we’re a drug company. We don’t do animal psychology research here.


If this is about the government…


I realize the government wants this creature, but it was found on company property and our lawyers can tie them up for years if we need to. No, the issue is our investors, who are getting increasingly anxious about how much this project costs. So we have to shut down. The creature goes to the government, who are interested in it.



Who will do what with him?


Military weapons research, most likely. It won’t be our problem any more.


But Harry…



The decision has been made, Dr. Quisp.

(looking up toward Ernie and Joe)


Ernie, Joe, and Rosalie rise and begin to file out of the conference room.


Dr. Quisp, a word with you please.

Rosalie turns to face Harry.


Rosalie, I want you to know that you weren’t wrong to advocate for this project. It’s just that sometimes things don’t work out. Everything here costs money, and we need to respect the wishes of those whose money it is. Otherwise, there is no OIKOS GALENOU L-L-C.


I understand.


I want you to know that even if it didn’t work out, my trust in you is unimpaired.


Thank you.


Take the weekend off. Do some self-care, and we’ll see you back in the lab on Monday, okay?


Yes, Dr. Lal.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Приманка 017

Богатые техасцы-расисты занимаются своими делами в ходе круиза по Южным морям.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 17 (Four panels)

(Note: More Super 8 camera “footage.”)

Panel 1: Barron Sr. and a WEALTHY FRIEND (another corpulent middle-aged man), both wearing sunglasses, tacky Hawaiian shirts and Bermuda shorts, sitting on deck chairs sipping drinks.

Wealthy Friend (1): President Reagan sure did a number on those air traffic control thugs and their union, eh?

Translation (1): Неплохо президент Рейган обвел вокруг пальца этих авиадиспетчеров и их профсоюз, а?

Barron Sr. (2): Here’s hoping he takes on the coons and the spics next.

Translation (2): Надеюсь, теперь он возьмется за черных и латиносов.

Panel 2: Wealthy friend is sitting up peering over his sunglasses, while Barron Sr. is waving Barron Jr. and his camera away with a gesture of his hand (indicate with motion lines).

Barron Sr (3): Move along, son. This is grown-up talk.

Translation (3): Проходи, сынок. Это разговор для взрослых.

Panel 3: Phoebe is in her bikini, leaning slightly backwards with her hands on the rail, looking forward, enjoying the sun and sea. She is also wearing sunglasses and her body glistens a bit from her having put on sunscreen.

Panel 4: Same as before, but now Phoebe is looking into Barron Jr.’s camera with an admonitory expression.

Phoebe (4): Barron…

Translation (4): Баррон…

 Приманка (русский язык/Версия с длинной страницей)
Приманка (русский язык/Слайдер-версия)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 045

Gynophage getting an info-stiffy.

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The Gynophage’s main siphon is standing straight up, and all its tentacles are waving in the air at full extension.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Приманка 016

Баррон Петробакс-младший шляется, где не нужно, со своей кинокамерой.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 16 (Four panels)

Note: There should be some sort of framing around the panels on this and some succeeding pages to indicate that they’re “footage” taken with Barron Jr.’s Super 8 camera.

Panel 1: Barron Jr.’s hand pushing open a cabin door somewhere below decks on the Yellow Rose.

SUBTITLE (1): Camera footage taken by Barron Jr., son of Barron Sr.

Translation (1): Материал, отснятый Барроном-младшим, сыном Баррона-старшего.

Panel 2: We see past the door into the interior of a cabin. Phoebe, evidently surprised while changing into a bikini, is holding her as-yet-unfastened bikini top over her breasts with one arm, while charging forward and reaching for the door with her other. She wears an appropriately angry expression.

Phoebe (2): Get out of here, you little pervert!

Translation (2): Вон отсюда, маленький извращенец!

Panel 3: View of a gangway, leading up to the deck.

Panel 4>: View off the deck of the Yellow Rose. We can see the rail on the side of the deck, beyond that the ocean, and beyond that in the distance the trees and hills of the Island of Motofupo.

 Приманка (русский язык/Версия с длинной страницей)
Приманка (русский язык/Слайдер-версия)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 044

Data from a fake Internet goes flashing by.

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Ernie scoots to one of the monitors.


It has made a connection.

A page of Internet information appears on one of the monitors. Then on another. Then another.


It’s looking at things…it’s curious about us.

The speed of pages flashing by on the monitors grows ever faster throughout the scene.

Ernie is looking at a black screen full of text scrolling by.


It’s looking at scientific and technical information…anatomy, physiology, biochemistry.


Wait…not only that. It’s also downloaded a couple of classic novels…news, articles on history. We have one curious beast here.


Any porn?




Because there’s this Japanese anime thing that I could imagine it being into…


(in a tone of sharp reproof)



(hands up in a gesture of mock surrender)

Sorry…just asking questions…

Rosalie walks around the room gazing at the monitors with an expression of wonder. Then she looks out the window down at the Gynophage.

The Gynophage’s main siphon is standing straight up, and all its tentacles are waving in the air at full extension.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Приманка 015

У Баррона Петробакса есть красивая жена и дочь, и больше денег, чем можно себе представить.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 15 (Two panels)

Panel 1: A family picture of the Petrobuxs, Texas oil billionaires, taken around 1980. At the center are BARRON PETROBUX SR. (“Barron Sr.”), and his wife PEONY. Barron Sr. is a corpulent man in a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, string tie with a diamond slider. Peony is a woman dressed in overly expensive clothes for the period, clearly once very beautiful and now someone who spends time fighting oncoming middle age and it shows. Flanking them are the Petrobux daughter Phoebe, a beautiful and well-developed girl of about 16 in this photograph, smiling brilliantly, and BARRON JR., a somewhat sullen-looking boy about ten years old in this picture who is holding his most-prized possession, a high-end Super 8 movie camera (camcorders not being commercially available before 1984). Barron Jr. should have a Distinctive Feature that will enable us to identify him as the same person at later ages than he is in this photograph. What it is can be up to the artist, but should be reasonably recognizable: a scar, a cowlick that won’t go away, a droopy eyelid, something like that. There should be labels indicating the names of the four people in the photograph.

CAPTION – PSUEDO-NARRATION (1): In 1981, Barron Petrobux Sr. was a Texas oil and real-estate billionaire and an important figure in state and national Republican party politics. He had a famously beautiful wife, Peony and daughter, Phoebe, and a young son passionately interested in making movies, Barron Jr.

Translation (1): В 1981 году Баррон Петробакс-старший был техасским нефтяным миллиардером и важной фигурой в Республиканской партии. У него была замечательно красивая жена, Пиони, и дочь Фиби, а также сын Баррон-младший, увлекавшийся киносъемкой.

Panel 2: A view of the Yellow Rose, the Petrobux family yacht, a big, expensive, tastelessly well-appointed vessel, traveling through the sea.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): Petrobux was also the proud owner of one of the largest private yachts in the world at the time.

Translation (2): Петробакс также являлся счастливым обладателем одной из самых крупных на то время частных яхт.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (3): The beautiful waters and beaches around Motofupo had been declared a restricted zone by the U.S. Navy, but exceptions to the restrictions would be made for a man of Petrobux’s political influence.

Translation (3): Прекрасные воды и пляжи Мотофупо ВМФ США объявил закрытой зоной, однако такие влиятельные лица, как Петробакс, могли рассчитывать на исключение.

 Приманка (русский язык/Версия с длинной страницей)
Приманка (русский язык/Слайдер-версия)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 043

Ernie understands that the best security is simple security.

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Rosalie, Ernie, and Joe are in the control room, a room located above the main warehouse space. On one wall are windows looking down at the space, on the other three control panels and high-definition monitors.

Wheeled office chairs allow people to move around the room.


Okay, so let’s review. We have a number of safety features here. One is that while the creature can look at the actual Internet, anything it tries to upload will be stored in a virtual net disconnected from the net. That should keep it from uploading viruses, hacking into the Strategic Air Command, or whatever.


You can hack into the Strategic Air Command?


How badly do you want to find out?

(raises an eyebrow)

The second takes advantage of the fact that we live in the physical world. The junction between the Creature and the rest of the world is this.

Ernie holds up two ends of ethernet cable. One ends in a simple connector, the other in a junction box.


If the creature ever starts doing something we don’t like, we just pull the plug. A simple, elegant solution to a big, complex problem.


Certainly one that everyone can understand.


So are we ready?






Then here we go.

There is a moment of silence.


Is something supposed to happen?


Maybe it’s taking a nap.

More silence. Rosalie bites her lip.


Or maybe our creature friend isn’t as bright as some think.

More seconds tick by.


What a waste of effort.


I need to check the software. Let’s disconnect first…

Ernie reaches for the joined ethernet cables.

Rosalie looks through the windows at the creature.


(under her breath)

C’mon, don’t disappoint us.

Ernie is about to break the connection when there is a PING!

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Приманка 014

Исчезновение медсестер засекречено руководством ВМФ.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 14 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Hazel in interview pose, now slumped backwards.

Hazel (1): And she wasn’t the only one. Two more of us also disappeared in almost exactly the same way.

Translation (1): И она была не единственной. Еще двое из нас исчезли почти таким же образом.

Panel 2: A fat folder containing official reports, sealed and with a large stenciled word CLASSIFIED stamped across it.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (2): The Navy ordered us not to talk about it. They said it would be bad for morale.

Translation (2): Руководство ВМФ запретило нам говорить об этом. Нам сказали, что это может подорвать боевой дух.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (3): People asked fewer questions about orders back then, you know.

Translation (3): Как вы знаете, в те времена люди были менее склонны обсуждать приказы.

Panel 3: A panel showing the Bride’s dive in the water, as if taken from the Scelleratini film of 1905, a split second after the scene on Page 5, Panel 4 above, such that the Bride has broken the surface of the water, and has submerged down to her waist.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (4): I tried not to think of it much myself, but in the late 1970s, I think, I saw a film clip of film made by some Italian people of the same place from long, long ago. I think it was on PBS late at night.

Translation (4): Я сама старалась не думать об этом слишком много, однако в конце 70-х я случайно увидела отрывок из фильма, снятого какими-то итальянцами в этом месте давно-давно назад. Кажется, это показывали по PBS поздно ночью.

Panel 4: A panel showing a front page of the Dallas Morning News for Tuesday, October 6, 1981. A large part of the front page would be a posed formal picture of PHOEBE PETROBUX (a very pretty and probably blond teenager, who we’ll see more of below) under the headline TEXAS TEEN STILL MISSING IN SOUTH PACIFIC. (Possible filler headlines, taken from real world history for that day that could be included for verisimilitude, could be RAOUL WALLERBERG MADE HONORARY U.S. CITIZEN and REVEREND SUN MYUNG MOON INDICTED FOR TAX EVASION).

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (5): And then we all read that terrible story about the poor girl from Texas.

Translation (5): А затем мы все узнали эту ужасную историю о несчастной девушке из Техаса.

 Приманка (русский язык/Версия с длинной страницей)
Приманка (русский язык/Слайдер-версия)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 042

Rosalie has a chat with the Gynophage.

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Rosalie approaches the Gynophage. Its tentacles stir as she approaches. Eye mouth and grabber tentacles approach but do not come closer to her than about eighteen inches. Rosalie addresses the Gynophage.


I imagine you’ve been bored.

The tentacles stir and approach slightly. The eye tentacles blink.


But we’re going to try something today that I think you’re going to enjoy.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.