Another Squick-or-Squee story episode

Image created by Erosarts under contract for Faustus

(I realize there have been some hiccups in numbering. This episode is probably the thirtieth, though it has number 32 in the title. I’ll work to fix this.)

This week on the podcast I offer another story, with an interview for next week nearing completion. It’s my narration of an adaptation of a Gnosis College one-off, called The Simplest Love Story. It’s a mad-science transformation tale and and be warned, it’s icky.

You can directly download either a PDF copy or a CBZ archive of the comic by following the links in this paragraph.

You can listen to the podcast via your app of choice, by visiting its Libsyn index page, by downloading it directly, or by listening on the post by the nifty little app embedded below.