Original post here.
Sourced to Believe only in Chaos via nuremanko.
Original post here.
Sourced to Believe only in Chaos via nuremanko.
Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.
This image is from a Tumblr stream originating at:
Where it is tagged “WEi-Zi” to match the signature. Artist WEi-Zi is from Wuhan China and appears to make his artistic home on CGhub:
Where this image is identified on page two of his images gallery as #2 in a series called “Girls”:
The direct link to the artwork at 1073×1473 resolution is here:
girls-1 and girls-3 are, respectively, here:
http://s.cghub.com/files/Image/142001-143000/142756/310_max.jpgPerhaps due to the “wei zi” string having many other appearances in English transliterations of Chinese material, I was unable to find any other information or pages about this artist.
Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.