Written and commissioned by Iago Faustus, illustrated by erosarts.
Written and commissioned by Iago Faustus, illustrated by erosarts.
My original tumblr post was here. This is more work by Gui Guimaraes, originally posted on tumblr by Sexy ero-art. A further look on Guimaraes’s site turned up an animated version of the same illustration:
It has the title of Wii U Girl — animated.
It was with considerable pleasure that I recently received a sketch connected with John Villalino‘s ongoing Pretty Vacant comics series, a premium for my having recently backed the project on Kickstarter. It’s series protagonist Gigi Gutierrez. She seems to spend most of her time trying to outrun or outwit a cabal of evildoers who are determined to turn her into some sort of a manikin, but I thought it might be nice if she were given an opportunity to relax for a change with a volume of some the greatest poetry written in Italian.
Click for full size; used here by the kind permission of the creators. For you Romance language buffs out there, the originals of the lines Gigi is reading are “Ma tu per certo,/Giovinetta immortal, conosci il tutto…” which are from Giacomo Leopardi’s Canto XXIII: Canto notturno di un pastore errante dell’Asia.. If you’re curious about the whole, you can find the original Italian text here, a recitation by Arnoldo Foà here, and a free English translation by A.S. Kline here.
Probably not the best outfit for safety, but mad science was never about prudence. Original post here.
Sourced to Girls & Machines.
Original post here.
Sourced to Kenny is alive in our hearts. Original text was my comment “Glasses girl, among other things.”
Original post here.
Sourced to You Know.
Additional image provenance by Bacchus
The source image in your tumblr stream is this tumblr-watermarked and heavily-Instagram-filtered image of French singer and actress Vanessa Paradis:http://fatale-lolita.tumblr.com/post/26523221548/vanessa-paradis
More information about Vanessa Paradis is available on Wikipedia:
There is a much larger version (with cleaner colors) of your subject photograph here:
That’s from a page that has many other photos of Vanessa, including several of her running a similar soundboard without glasses:
More photos of Vanessa are available here:
Unfortunately I was not able to identify the photographer or media-origin of your photograph.
Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.