Tumblr favorite #971: Bunny ears and tentacles

Perhaps going about wearing only the bubble helmet wasn’t such a good idea. Original post here.

Original text:


I did a Slipshine comic a while back where Zy’s boyfriend accidentally BECAME A LADY and since then I’ve been doing occasional stories about him trying to UN-BECOME A LADY

it’s… a story arc ! !

also I keep getting fun ideas for continuations and it’s making me just want to draw Zy stories in lieu of everything else euehehueh

Tumblr favorite #938: Space gear

Someone had…interesting ideas in designing these uniforms. Original post here.

Sourced on tumblr to Crypt of Wrestling. Original text:

Carrie Fisher, in her memoir Wishful Drinking reports the following exchange with George Lucas about her Princess Leia dress:

Anyway. George comes up to me on the first day of filming and he takes one look at the dress and says “You can’t wear a bra under that dress.”

So, I say, “Okay, I’ll bite.  Why?”

And he says, “Because…there’s no underwear in space.”

I promise you this is true, and he said it with such conviction too!  Like he had been to space and looked around and he didn’t see any bras or panties or briefs anywhere.