Volume 6, Number 5
Events come to a boil as Iris Brockman discovers in herself the talent of a master manipulator, leveraging his own abducted penis against Buck Yale to lure her nemesis Professor Aphrodite Mora into an extraordinary confrontation that produces, among other things, a very surprising job offer. Though perhaps Iris’s efforts are all a sideshow as the shadowy machinations of Colonel Madder continue in the background. This chapter is at once the stunning conclusion of Where Am I? and the transition into the shocking confrontation of the next volume of the Tales of Gnosis College.
Kindly note that all the comics images on this page, including the virtual cover, were written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. You are free to copy, repost and share these images as long as you provide attribution to Dr. Faustus and Lon Ryden, but if you want to use any of them for commercial purposes or wish to create derivative works from them (other than using brief excerpts in good-faith reviews, studies and criticism) you need to seek permission from Dr. Faustus. Thank you.
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Page One
Page Two
Page Three
Page Four
Page Five
Page Six
Page Seven
Page Eight
Page Nine
Page Ten
Page Eleven
Page Twelve
Page Thirteen
Page Fourteen
Page Fifteen
Page Sixteen
Page Seventeen
Page Eighteen
Page Nineteen
Page Twenty
Page Twenty-One
Page Twenty-Two
Page Twenty-Three
Page Twenty-Four
Page Twenty-Five
Page Twenty-Six
Page Twenty-Seven
Page Twenty-Eight
Page Twenty-Nine
Page Thirty
Page Thirty-One
Page Thirty-Two
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Very much enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for sending it and best wishes. lens
In regards to Iris basically killing her professor, remember that some people are alive simply because it is illegal to kill them. I’m sure every body knows some one that they would want dead if they knew they would get away with it, no charges, no investigation, no trial.
Some people maybe not, although I do suspect this is true of far more people than would be willing to admit it.
I tried commenting on Iris Brockman is Evil, but I couldn’t. I was thinking about Iris’s experience where she was literally consumed like a piece of meat, and talked about philosophy and transcendence. I thinks she’s moved beyond morality, becoming a ubermench of German philosophy. She pondered the fate of Ashley Madder, who wanted to be admired for her body, forever frozen as a statue, never becoming old and saggy. Aphrodite Mora would’ve eventually been exposed a ridiculed, no longer able to rely on her sexual attraction to bridge the wide gap in her knowledge. In a way, Iris Brockman saved her and gave her eternal life, like in the book people believe is true.