Volume 08, Number 01

Volume 8, Number 1

Aspiring octopus-scientist Edith Sterling goes through graduate school with absolute dedication in hopes of making a brilliant academic career, brushing aside warnings from her fellow student Rebecca Waite that brilliant academic careers are hard to come by in this unhappy age. When Rebecca’s gloomy prediction come true Edith falls into a deep despair, from which she is pulled by a very curious offer from one Dr. Vitlaus Vísindamaður, a senior scientist of unquestionable brilliance and questionable reputation. The only catch is that Dr. Vísindamaður proposes to conduct a most unusual and dangerous experiment with Edith herself as the subject (unholy amounts of radiation will be involved). Will Edith survive to tell the strange tale that will result? Find out in this opening chapter of Gnosis Transformations.

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Kindly note that all the comics images on this page, including the virtual cover, were written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. You are free to copy, repost and share these images as long as you provide attribution to Dr. Faustus and Lon Ryden, but if you want to use any of them for commercial purposes or wish to create derivative works from them (other than using brief excerpts in good-faith reviews, studies and criticism) you need to seek permission from Dr. Faustus. Thank you.

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Edith Sterling is bound to a grid and shot full of radiation for the sake of undergoing a most unnatural transformation.

Page One

Young Rebecca Waite and Edith Sterling have coffee together

Page Two

Edith Sterling arrives in Innsmouth.

Page Three

Edith Sterling walks through Innsmouth on her way to the Institute.

Page Four

Edith Sterling excels early in graduate school.

Page Five

An octopus escapes from a jar.

Page Six

The amazing mimetic abilities of Thaumoctopus mimicus

Page Seven

An octopus watches an example of successful predator evasion

Page Eight

The octopus learns from watching

Page Nine

Edith and Rebecca catch up over coffee.

Page Ten


Page Eleven

Edith's academic job search doesn't go so well

Page Twelve

Edith's academic job search descends into despair.

Page Thirteen

Edith gets a bizarre proposal from a stranger

Page Fourteen

Vitlaus sits alone in a corner of a tavern.

Page Fifteen

Edith confronts Vitlaus.

Page Sixteen

Edith realizes that Vitlaus is a very serious mad scientist.

Page Seventeen

Edith abandons her car and heads to sea.

Page Eighteen

Edith works on technology.

Page Nineteen

Edith gets naked and crucified on a grid.

Page Twenty

Edith Sterling is zapped with huge amounts of radiation.

Page Twenty-One

Edith gets transformed into an octopus.

Page Twenty-Two

Edith transmits her transformation to a confederate.

Page Twenty-Three

Edith is set free to live the life of an octopus.

Page Twenty-Four

Edith enjoys the life of an octopus.

Page Twenty-Five

The ship is raided, and Vitlaus causes it to self-destruct.

Page Twenty-Six

Edith mates with a male octopus, has babies.

Page Twenty-Seven

Edith, near death, is taken by mermaid Li Anwei.

Page Twenty-Eight

Rebecca Waite looks at Edith's mysterious data.


Edith Sterling as a half-woman, half-octopus

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