Volume 11, Number 03

Volume 11, Number 3:

The Eidolon Initiative: Chapter 3

Note: This volume was guest-written by Vinnie Tesla. Coming home in a foul mood and prepared to confront what she believes to be a stalker, Kat Carter instead finds herself in a face-to-face meeting with the “Eidolon,” an artificial intelligence that functions as her own alter ego. And the Eidolon has a very interesting offer for Kat… Meanwhile at Gnosis College, the Monsters of Science find themselves in a pretty sticky situation as the eruption into their world of the Munkytown game provokes serious unrest. Will everyone escape with all their parts? Find out in this chapter of The Eidolon Initiative.

Kindly note that all the comics images on this page, including the virtual cover, were written by Vinnie Tesla and illustrated by Lon Ryden, having been commissioned and edited by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com and drawn by Lon Ryden. The comic is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You are free to copy, repost and share these images as long as you provide attribution ti Dr. Faustus and Lon, but if you want to use any of them for commercial purposes or wish to create derivative works from them (other than using brief excerpts in good-faith reviews, studies and criticism) you need to seek permission from Dr. Faustus. Thank you.

You can see any image in larger size by clicking on the image.


The Eidolon holding the earth in her hand, face illuminated by its blue glow.

Page One

Okay, creepy stalker asshole. I know you can hear me. >a name=”p02″>

Page Two

The Eidolon appears.

Page Three

Who ARE you? Why are you doing this? How did you get access to all my stuff?

Page Four

I can give you his phone number! It's--

Page Five

The Eidolon assembles herself.

Page Six

The Eidolon emerges and is ubiquitous.

Page Seven

I needed to give you hot sex!

Page Eight

Freude, schöner Götterfunken...

Page Nine

Life has been coming at Kate very fast lately.

Page Ten

What can you tell me about this Sparkleman character?

Page Eleven

The "totally a rocket ship" award.

Page Twelve

The Monsters have an audience.

Page Thirteen

Looks like things are tending toward a riot here. Page Fourteen Sure, it's a campus riot, but there's something even more interesting going on.

Page Fifteen

It's the Arborpus Tree!

Page Sixteen

The staff in the Gadget do not, in fact, get paid well enough.

Page Seventeen

And now is the time to...run!

Page Eighteen

Cornered by angry gamers!

Page Nineteen

Student attack! DDOS attack!  Drone attack!

Page Twenty

Retreat through the back door.

Page Twenty-One

Virtual world conflict appears to be escalating.

Page Twenty-Two

What's wrong with Viz's arm?

Page Twenty-Three

Well, what do you know?  Viz is a cyborg. The Eidolon in little black lacy underthings.

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