Volume 12, Number 02

The Adventures of Ashley Madder, Episode II

The search is on by the intrepid agents of SOUP for the Ashley Madder statue stolen by international criminals. Will a novice SOUP agent, the beautiful and chaste Angelique Porpulac, be willing to take a terrible risk for the chase?

Kindly note that all the comics images on this page, including the virtual cover, were written by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com and drawn by Erosarts. The comic is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You are free to copy, repost and share these images as long as you provide attribution to Dr. Faustus and Erosarts, but if you want to use any of them for commercial purposes or wish to create derivative works from them (other than using brief excerpts in good-faith reviews, studies and criticism) you need to seek permission from Dr. Faustus. Thank you.

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Watch out for that train!

Page One

Angelique has some thinking to do.

Page Two

What would  happy, optimistic Jesus do?

Page Three

Of course there's a government-issue bible!

The abuse of a concubine.

Page Five

Susanna and the Elders

Page Six

David and various female servants.

Page Seven

She'll do it, folks!

Page Eight

The Comptroller is a man of old-fashioned values.

Page Nine

Angelique reports to the petrification lab.

Page Ten

Angelique ventures out naked, if not as naked as her admiring audience might light.

Page Eleven

This isn't going to hurt, is it?

Page Twelve

KZZAP! ...and transform

Page Thirteen

Angelique does indeed make a very nice statue.

Page Fourteen

That look of offended innocence...

Page Fifteen

Book your Amtrak vacation today!   https://www.amtrak.com/home.html

Pages Sixteen and Seventeen

The perfidious statue fetishist's network.

Page Eighteen

People's Typewriter Factory

Page Nineteen

A gallery of petrified women.

Page Twenty

Malyshin is a pervert statue fancier.

Page Twenty-One

Mr. Moneybags arrives for a party.

Pages Twenty-Two and Twenty-Three

Truly the world pervert elite.

Page Twenty-Four

Angelique unvelied.

Page Twenty-Five

Could this be Angelique calling for help?

Page Twenty-Six

A force of river commandos strikes!

Page Twenty-Seven

They will little note nor long remember...

Page Twenty-Eight

A burst of minigun fire  ruins the party.

Pages Twenty-Nine and Thirty

The forces of evil align!

Pages Thirty-One and Thirty-Two

Our (strange) heroes!


Angelique will only do it for Jesus

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