Bacchus is the proprietor of the well-known adult site ErosBlog. He has been blogging there since 2003 — a geologic age in Internet time — and he also very graciously gave me my own start in the blogging world.

Bacchus of ErosBlog conducting field research early in the Internet age with two unidentified colleagues.
In the course of his long years of adult blogging, Bacchus has developed formidable research skills, especially with respect to adult imagery. Sadly, a lot of adult imagery floats around the Internet in a state of orphanage: the images themselves are delicious, but information about their provenance and context is lost. Not knowing anything about an image’s creators or content is sad, a hole in the common culture in the same way as is a library volume whose title and publication pages have been torn out. But Bacchus is as good as anyone I know at using the Internet and its search tools to restore lost information about images.
Bacchus is also a good hand at starting with subject matter and finding images to match it, showing in practice the workings of a principle of Internet life called “Rule 34.” “If it exists, there is a porn of it.” This rule has yet to be disconfirmed. If you long for an image of your favorite actress turned into a mermaid by a sorcerer, or long for a comic book about dinosaurs who fuck dump trucks, I’ll bet Bacchus can find it for you.
Bacchus doesn’t keep his skills to himself. He is happy to take commissions from people who want to find images. You can read about how to commission him to find the provenance of images here, and how to commission him to do a Rule 34 search here.
I’ve commissioned him to do many of both and have come away one happy customer. And that is why you’ll often see the tag “Research by Bacchus” at many posts both here and at my other blogs.