Study Abroad teaser II: Bridget O’Brian in action

The Apsinthion Protocol: Chapter Seven, Page Eight
The Apsinthion Protocol: Chapter Seven, Page Nine

You may recall the Study Abroad character Bridget O’Brian from her fetching character designs by Lon Ryden published earlier this week. And you might also recall Argentine artist Dark Vanessa, who did a short manga for me back in January called “Maureen’s Re-engineering.” Figuring two good things might go together, I commissioned Vanessa to provide a sneak peak on the action in Bridget’s story in Study Abroad.

Bridget does an erotic belly dance for a sultan

(Click on the image for full size. Creative Commons License
Bridget O’Brian: Dance for Me by Dark Vanessa and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

Don’t you want to know how comely Bridget got to this point? You’ll have to read the story, starting in October, to find out…