Progress in Research: Chapter Three, Page Three

Progress in Research: Chapter Three, Page Two
Progress in Research: Chapter Three, Page Four

Time passes slowly for Aloysius.Time pases slowly for Aloysius waiting for a date who never shows.

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Progress in Research: Chapter Three, Page Three written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

The presence of a moving clock indicates the passing of time, here just in the narrative. But it’s worth remembering that timepieces are also artistic reminders of mortality, which seems especially appropriate here. Hourglasses are common in memento mori, and candles burning down can also serve that allegorical function.

Georges de la Tour (1593-1652), The Penitent Magdalene (1625-1650)

The themes all swirl around, they do.

2 thoughts on “Progress in Research: Chapter Three, Page Three

  1. Wow, that’s pretty ambitious, coming up with a suitable extra theme to blog about as it happens to occur in the comic. But it gives people an extra reason to tune in. It’s like watching a DVD with the director’s commentary!

    • I’ve been thinking for a while about ways to have the main blog not just be a mirror image of the comics main page, and this extra content as an attempt at that. I hope I can sustain it.

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