Invisible Girl, Heroine, whole volume publication editions available

Invisible Girl, Heroine: Chapter Five, Pin-up
Gnosis Dreamscapes: Chapter One, Cover

In addition to the just-published chapter editions of Invisible Girl, Heroine, you can also now download the whole volume in single editions (albeit in lower-resolution for the CBZ — mustn’t break the Internet). You can get handy versions in medium-resolution Comic Book Archive, or as PDFs, or a .mobi version for mobile devices. All are direct donwloads available by clicking on the appropriate icons below. As a bonus for those who do download, these whole-volume publication editions include bonus art: all bespoke art from the 2012 Squick or Squee Week and two additional pieces by new EroticMadScience artist digitalmake. All are published under Creative Commons licenses, so feel free to copy, share, and spread around.