Some recent Internet Archive contributions

Pulp Art recreations II: Fiend's Feast
Pulp Art recreations III: All sorts of stuff going on

I am pleased to announce that I have recently been able to contribute more work to the Internet Archive. First off, some 90+ images of mad science art that I’ve commissioned over the years are now available in both ZIP and CBZ archives downloadable from the Archive. Volume I contains some 50 images:


Click on the image or here to get to the download page. Volume II contains 42 images:


Click on the image or here for the download page. Note that many of these archival images are available in sizes and resolutions hitherto not published. On each download page there’s a little image flipbook so you can see what’s available in each package.

In addition to these new archives, We Must Boost the Signal is now available as a high-resolution PDF and in an on-screen reader.


I’ll end with a plea, and not on behalf of myself. There is a huge wealth of wonderful things in the Internet Archive, an undertaking which preserves vast amounts of digital culture that millions of people have worked to create and which might otherwise disappear or become inacessible. I find it to be one of the most inspired works of philanthropy of our age. So if you can rustle up some spare scratch, I urge you to consider a donation to their work.