Pulp Parade #196: Ha! Missed me!

This is Saucy Movie Tales for November 1936, cover (probably) by Norman Saunders. This rather small original was the only one I could find and is from the Galactic Central index.

Lucy Fidelis has done re-creations of this cover as well. Clean:

And Context:

Creative Commons License
Both works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please keep in mind that any moral rights the artist has remain intact under this license.

Pulp Parade #194: Why didn’t Playboy ever run a “Girls of the Guillotine” issue?

This is Saucy Movie Tales for September 1936, cover by Norman Saunders. I found this version of the cover at Pulp Covers.

We have a special treat for you on this issue, the first of four. Longtime Erotic Mad Science contributing artist Lucy Fidelis has done a re-creation for this issue. She has made them in both “clean” and “context” versions. Clean:

A version of Marianne, originally by Norman Saunders, redrawn by Lucy Fidelis.

and context:

Creative Commons License
Both images are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please keep in mind that any moral rights the artist has remain intact under this license.

Lucy has a professional site here.