We Must Boost the Signal, Page 10

We Must Boost the Signal, Page 09
We Must Boost the Signal, Page 11


Meanwhile, there's always science.


PAGE 10 (Four panels)

Panel One: DR. HOPE MONTCLAIR (“Hope”) is seen lying in an MRI tube, wearing a hospital gown.

Character design note: Hope is a woman in her late twenties, pretty with short black hair and intense black eyes. She should be pale (spends a lot of late nights in the lab) and a little short.

Caption: There might have been more tedious things done for the sake of science than what I’m doing now.

Panel Two: Close up on Hope’s face as she lies in the tube. She is wearing a look of intense concentration.

Caption: Something having to do with the classification of beetles, maybe.

Panel Three: A P.O.V. for Hope. She is looking at the projection of four images of an eye, a tin can, waving lines representing water, and a female sheep (thus a rebus Eye-Can-Sea-Ewe=”I can see you.”).

Caption: The hope is that I can focus on images and their relationship to language really hard and for a really long time.

Panel Four: A “scan view” of Hope’s brain, projected on a screen outside the MRI tube.

Caption: The hope is that eventually we will have a comprehensive mapping between concepts in my mind and activity in my brain.


(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
We Must Boost the Signal, Page 10 written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

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