We Must Boost the Signal, Page 30

We Must Boost the Signal, Page 29
We Must Boost the Signal, Page 31


Suicide plan!


PAGE 30 (Four panels)

Panel One: Hope and Brian looking down at something sketched out on a kitchen table down at which Hope is pointing.

Caption: I have to explain my something to the boyfriend.

Panel Two: Brian and Hope facing each other across the kitchen table. Brian looks horrified, Hope quietly determined.

Brian: This is insane! You’re sitting there with a straight face and telling me you want to commit suicide…

Hope: It isn’t suicide, Brian. All of those women are still legally alive.

Panel Three: Close-up view of one of the brains floating in the tube.

Caption: What sort of life are you proposing? A future as a disembodied brain floating in a tube full of goo?

Caption: It’s not like there’s any return from that..

Panel Four: View of a partially-constructed female cyborg lying on a table in a laboratory.

Caption: Not necessarily. There are future possibilities. Surgical transplantation to a vat-grown clone. Or full-body cybernetic prosthesis…


(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
We Must Boost the Signal, Page 30 written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)