We Must Boost the Signal, Page 36

We Must Boost the Signal, Page 35
We Must Boost the Signal, Page 37


Back at the lab


PAGE 36 (Four panels)

Panel One: Side view of Macneil driving and Hope sitting in the passenger seat in the front of a government-issue black sedan. Neither is speaking.

Caption: Agent Macneil whisks me back to Dr. Xu’s laboratory promptly.

Panel Two: View “from above” looking down at Hope, Macneil, and Xu, who are engaged in some sort of conversation.<;p>

Caption: At the laboratory I ask Dr. Xu if he has enough “specimen” to fill an additional tube. He says that he does and arranges it.

Panel Three: Hope stands next to an empty tube, touching the side of it with her fingers. Xu is in the background.

Hope: …and Dr. Xu, do you think it would be possible to get some of my scanning equipment sent here?

Xu: We could easily have it shipped overnight, Dr. Montclair? Have you somehow found a way to tune it to a brain other than your own?

Panel Four: Close up on Hope, Xu’s P.O.V. She has turned her head and is facing out of the panel.

Hope: No.

Hope: But I thought it might be convenient to have the equipment here in case a different plan should happen along.


(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
We Must Boost the Signal, Page 36 written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)