We Must Boost the Signal, Page 37

We Must Boost the Signal, Page 36
We Must Boost the Signal, Page 38


Everyone knows what they're not talking about.


PAGE 37 (Four panels)

Panel One: Close-in view of Dr. Xu. He has a raised eyebrow.

Dr. Xu: A different plan?

Panel Two: Hope, turned around with the empty tube seen on the previous page now behind her.

Hope: You know, at least one licensed psychiatrist has determined that I might be “delusional” and “suffer from suicidal tendencies.”

Hope: It might be a serious mistake to leave me alone in the laboratory.

Panel Three: Dr. Xu standing next to Macneil. Xu has a look about him of dawning enlightenment.

Dr. Xu: Of course, the risk of mistakes is part of the scientific enterprise.

Macneil: In law enforcement, we make mistakes all the time.

Panel Four: Hope standing in the same position as in Panel Two, except now with her arms crossed.

Hope: So I’m to be allowed to continue with my research, then?


(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
We Must Boost the Signal, Page 37 written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)