Tumblr favorite #1790: Attack on Synth

Tumblr favorite #1789: Remilia's metal wings
Tumblr favoite #1791: Favorite Pastimes

Original post here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Γ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Γ 020 – An Attack On Synth.” Here is what Bacchus found:

According to this web page, the image is part of a comic page from the Marvel series Doctor Strange II. The character shown is Synth, who appeared in Dr Strange II Nos. 69, 71,72, and 73. This artwork appeared on page 8 of #69 (February 1985). There’s a different crop available showing slightly more of the action, and making it clear that Synth is under a mental attack in the panel shown:
