Tumblr favorite #1876: X-ray tubes


My original tumblr post was here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Δ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Δ 045 X-Ray Tubes.” Here is what Bacchus found.

The Tumblr post at the origin of this animation’s Tumblr chain of provenance includes the following tags: “#1950s scifi #this island earth #1955 #joseph m newman”. The reference is to the 1955 sci-fi movie This Island Earth, which was notable at the time for its special effects and for being filmed in Technicolor.

According to the plot summary at Wikipedia, the two protagonists are at one point menaced with being subjected to a “Thought Transference Chamber”, which might be the chamber visible in the animation.

The attribution to This Island Earth is confirmed by the following scene from the trailer, which shows the same two people in the same sort of chambers, albeit with a menacing robot in this frame not directly seen (but visible as a shadow/silhouette) in the animation:


In 1996 the movie This Island Earth was heavily reworked (it’s unclear from Wikipedia whether it was completely remade or whether it was heavily cut and intercut with new footage) and released to theaters as Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie. From the Wikipedia plot summary it seems unlikely that the animation stems specifically from the new MST3K movie footage, but I was unable to rule out the possibility.

Tumblr favorite #1875: Farewell to Daleks


My original tumblr post was here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Δ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as Δ 044 – Fond Farewell To Daleks.” Here is what Bacchus found.

The Tardis Data Core wiki about the long-running TV show Dr. Who informs us that actress Katy Manning (who played the Doctor’s companion Jo Grant in the early 1970s) later posed nude with a Dalek for a magazine:

In 1977, she posed naked with an original Dalek prop for the glamour magazine Girl Illustrated (Vol. 8, #10). She laughed the furor off, stating, “You’d have to pretty well put me under a microscope to see anything!” Upon being informed of the photos, Jon Pertwee was quoted as saying, “Typical Katy!” In a later interview, she stated that the nude pictorial “went over like a cup of cold sick.”

The Wiki article where this information appears contains a color photograph (evidently the first page of the magazine shoot) showing Ms. Manning in a different pose but wearing the same fancy boots:


The visible text reads: “Kissing The Daleks Goodbye: Katy Manning talks to Tym Manley.”

A fortuitous eBay auction gives us a higher-resolution image of a similar pose from the cover of Girl Illustrated, along with the first few paragraphs of text from the magazine spread: 03-girl-illustrated-cover 04-kissing-daleks-intro

A different eBay seller’s auction text, preserved on a magazine collector’s blog, gives us a verbal description of the rest of the magazine spread:

The pictures of Katy include 6 poses, including a centrefold. Katy Manning was pursuaded by the Australian men’s magazine to do the feature, much to the shock and anger of BBC management at the time. They had managed to get hold of a Dalek and the darling young Katy in the buff (and in one shot with only a pair of knee length boots) made a perfect match for the most dangerous machine/creature in the universe. She commented that news of her photo shoot went down ‘like a cup of cold sick’ with the BBC Managers.

Although no complete scans of the magazine or the Katy Manning spread from it appear to exist on the web, a couple of forum posts here and here (both are incomplete, with missing images due to lost image hosting) combine to give us some idea of rest of the contents, possibly including these two additional nude-with-dalek images:

05-daleks-01 06-daleks-02

A blog post here offers another pose where Ms. Manning is actually straddling the Dalek’s appendage:


And finally, at Слава роботам! we find one last related image:


To sum up, the best available description suggests that the Girls Illustrated photo spread included only “six poses”, of which at least some were centerfold-type pictures not including the Dalek. Yet here are compiled a total of seven different photographs of the same actress in the same boots posing with the Dalek prop. The only supportable conclusion is that at least some of the additional photos taken when the Girls Illustrated spread was prepared were published later and elsewhere. It has been impossible to determine whether the subject photograph was one of these or was originally seen in Girls Illustrated. But since every indication is that Girls Illustrated was a full-color magazine, most likely the subject photograph originally appeared elsewhere.

In the course of this provenance research, an older-looking, unrelated, and utterly unattributed photograph of a topless woman posing with a Dalek turned up in a tribute to the designer of the Daleks:


Tumblr favorite #1874: The Bride wears white


My original tumblr post was here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Δ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Δ 043 – The Bride Wears White.” Here is what Bacchus found.

Although the blogspot blog in the URL watermark on this image no longer exists, a version in the Internet Archives from 2014 advertises Dan Fabris, “freelance illustrator for hire.”

A version of the subject Bride of Frankenstein artwork also appears in a five-year-old web tee-shirt shop identifying the artist as Dan Fabris of Parkville, Australia.

Confusion in the provenance of this artwork arises from the source URL in the tumblr chain of attribution, which sources the work to “god-awful.deviantart.com” (note the single hyphen). In fact, the work appears in the gallery for DeviantArt artist god[hyphen][hyphen]awful.deviantart.com (that’s a double hyphen that’s impossible to render literally in both WordPress and Tumblr, both of which insist on converting it to an em-dash) where the art is indeed titled “The Bride.” The artist — who gives his name as “Damn Fabris” on DeviantArt — writes:

I recently saw Bride of Frankenstein.

Great movie! She’s such a rad looking character it’s a shame she does fuck all in the flick.

Anyways, here she is!!

Artist Fabris has in the same gallery a related artwork called simply Frankenstein’s Monster:


Tumblr favorite #1873: Cyborg perfection


My original tumblr post was here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Δ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Δ 042 – Laser-Etched Cyborg Perfection. Here is what Bacchus found.

This sexy animation is the creation of Korean artist Kilart (KilartDev on DeviantArt and Kilart on ArtStation). It appears on the Kilart’s HP tumblr, along with two higher-resolution images ( 1 2 ) of the same character, titled Cyborg Girl in both images:

cyborg-girl-01 cyborg-girl-02

A page here gives Kilart’s full name as Choe Heon Hwa, but little additional information seems to be available on the English-language web.

Thanksgiving Marathons at the sisters

Those of our readers who live in the United States are aware that we are about to celebrate a holiday called Thanksgiving. All over the country, people are now traveling over clogged roads and through Dantesque airports to the houses of their relations. Tomorrow they will consume an over-heavy meal centered around a roasted bird that few cooks know how to prepare well. While downing this repast they will endure the bigoted conversational sallies of their oafish and often inebriated older relations. (In many American households, these festivities will be accompanied by a mediocre professional football game on TV.) Then early on Friday, people will depart their houses early — often in darkness hours before sunrise — to endure an orgy of joyless consumerism so frenetic that people have been known to be trampled to death at the opening of stores.

Obviously a palliative is called for, and I am happy to provide it. On our two sister sites we will be running parallel Thanksgiving marathons, stuff to discretely thumb through on your phone while your drunk uncle blats out hate-radio talking points or as you hide in one of the quieter corners of mall and try not to weep. A post every hour on the hour starting now and running until 8 a.m. Monday (Eastern time).

Screenshot from 2015-11-22 06:43:38

Over at Hedonix we’ll be running a mix of adult and non-adult images, all of them on the nicer, cheesecakier side of such things. For those of you with darker tastes, there’s also…

Screenshot from 2015-11-22 06:46:00

Infernal Wonders, the site of squicky stuff and erotic horror, where I’ve adopted Santa Muerte to preside as patroness over every significant series of posts.

Take your pick, enjoy what you can, and have a good holiday in spite of it all.

Tumblr favorite #1872: Space A.S.F.R.


My original tumblr post was here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Δ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Δ 041 – The Space Boobies Trap.” Here is what Bacchus found.

According to this blog post where the comic is reproduced in full, this artwork is from the bottom panel of the ninth (of ten) pages of the comic Selenia by Sergio Macedo, as the comic appeared in the first issue of Heavy Metal magazine in April 1977:


Brazilian and French comic artist Sergio Macedo is profiled briefly here. See also this slightly more detailed bio and some translated quotes from interviews with the artist.

Tumblr favorite #1871: The Creature with a heart of gold


My original tumblr post was here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Δ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “http://hedonix.org/2015/02/28/δ-040-frankie-with-a-heart-of-gold/”>Δ 040 – Frankie With A Heart Of Gold.” Here is what Bacchus found.

This artwork is titled There’s Gold In My Heart and is by Ukrainian artist alkonost-terrible on DeviantArt. No additional information about this artist or artwork seems to be available on the web. For interest, her name “alkonost” refers to a harpy-like Russian mythical beast with the body of bird and the head of a beautiful woman.