Dime Mystery Meme #4: Forced labor

Dime Mystery Meme #3: Coffin stuffers
Dime Mystery Meme #5: Consigned to the flames I

I confess it strikes me as a strange use of villain time and effort to capture pretty women only to force them into brute labor. Wouldn’t big muscled men be better for that sort of thing? (They have to be better for something…) But all the same, some villains do, or so the editors of Dime Mystery Magazine seemed to think in 1938. Here is their July issue:

(“The Werewolf of Wall Street” is a movie someone ought to be making today.) They were still at it in September:

Beneath the streets of the city, a stripped-down Angel of Death engages in boat-races against some Roman dude, both with teams of slave-girl rowers captured from the world above. Yikes!

4 thoughts on “Dime Mystery Meme #4: Forced labor

  1. Clearly, these villains are more interested in venting their sadistic urges on nubile targets than they are in efficiency.

  2. Why force them to work to their death? The survivors make the strongest babies.

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