BDA #17: More descending into hell

BDA #16: Pretty small demon
BDA #18: Cooking up something

Hell is apparently a popular destination in the world of French adult comics. This is another offering from Éditions C.F.E., from a series called Poker Noir.

The presence of laurels on the figure of the rock above suggests to me a parody of Dante and Virgil from the famous illustrations by Gustave Doré of Dante’s Inferno. Example:

(Presumably an illustration of the burning tombs of the heretics from Canti IX-X.)

Here it would appear that Dante is being diverted from his poetic mission, rather to the dismay of Virgil who watches from above. It makes a certain amount of sense. I mean, if I were Satan, I’d be trying to get some good public relations going for hell, so why not dispatch a few succubi to show a visiting poet a good time?