6 thoughts on “Bait: Page Seventy-Four

  1. If the scientists have all of this “drone footage”, why don’t they put the explosive on the drone?

    • Squiddly killy seems to ignore the drones and won’t eat them.
      Also, the idea wasn’t to just blow it up, but to make flotation devices inflate inside of it and force it to the surface so it can be caught.
      If squiddly killy won’t swallow the pellets, though, nothing will happen.

  2. Squiddy is just mad that his parents had him circumcised and none of the female squiddies will have anything to do with him.

  3. Note squiddly killy doesn’t plug Dr. Honeywood’s mouth first of all, unlike before. It really does prefer its prey not to be a chatterbox, doesn’t it?

  4. The fact that it says ‘recovered drone footage’ makes me think that nothing of the expedition survived but the drones. Otherwise it would just say ‘drone footage’. I feel like sexy Cthulhu is about to go nonsexy Cthulhu on the rest of expedition. It DID fry a boat full of men shooting at it, so we know it can dish out some pain. Maybe it prefers willing victims to ‘my career is over if I don’t let these men force me into this’ victims.

    • Or it’ll just get really pissed when the plan finally works as intended, it’s forced to the surface, and those jerks try to load it into the ship.

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