14 thoughts on “The Adventures of Ashley Madder: Chapter Six, Page Four

    • 240 bce? The Roman republic has just conquered all of Italy and is on the verge of the wars with Carthage. The Hellenistic kingdoms are at war with each other and Ptolemaic Egypt is at its height. The religion of the goddess Isis is growing, flourishing and spreading across the Mediterranean. The Gnostic goddess Sophia and her teachings are syncretizing with Isis along with a lot of other goddesses into a universal Isis. And all of this before Christianity emerges. Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. What if Alexander the great hadn’t died his untimely death in Babylon? It kind of makes you think. Is an alternative history in the works and on the way? Will the Egyptians worship our heroine, put her on the throne and keep Christianity from ever happening? Stay tuned for the continuing spine tingling saga of our adventuress same time, same station. And by the way, the name Isis means she who sits upon the throne.

    • Well, she was meant to be going back to the beginning of time to prevent the primal fault, so she’s a few thousand million years off course,
      Damn cats. Mind you, I think the cat was an agent of AA.

      • Yes, the original objective was to kill God off before he even got started. But unfortunately, unforseen circumstances beyond our control and forecasting have intervened. Think of how many times well-meaning Germans tried to kill Adolph Hitler and he wasn’t even God. Think of the mule in the foundation series even hari seldom couldn’t foresee. At least our heroine has landed on earth in the nick of time. Stopping Christianity I admit isn’t as good as killing God but it’s a good start. Maybe Jesus will still be born but he’ll grow up to be a gifted master builder, marry Maria Magdalena, have children and pass on his craft to his family. Things never go right the first time. Mistakes are made to learn from. Better luck next time. Practice makes perfect.

  1. 240 bce? The Roman republic has just conquered all of Italy and is on the verge of the wars with Carthage. Ptolemaic Egypt is at its height and the religion of the goddess Isis is flourishing and spreading across the Mediterranean. Ashley madder couldn’t be falling to earth in a more troubling place and at a more troubling time. And leading up to the emergence of Christianity. Sounds like an alternative history is in the works and on the way. Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. What if Alexander the great hadn’t died his untimely death in Babylon? Will the Egyptians worship our heroine, put her on the throne and keep Christianity from happening? Stay tuned for the rest of the spinetingling story same time, same station.

    • I am so often pleasantly surprised by the erudition of my readers!

      • Thank you. I have thought very highly of your knowledge and its scope and range over the past year and a half since I discovered your website and all its wonders. It’s been great to find a kindred spirit. Have been watching and waiting for months now for a chance to jump in and join the party. We are going to have a lot to talk about. Thanks for your work.

          • It’s been almost ten pages since there’s been any depiction of sex, just saying.

        • Several pages of people having sex are on their way.

          But first, there will be a number of pages of people engaged in violence.

  2. Egypt??? wait, what??? can someone please clear it out???? how can there possibly be Egypt in so much eons & light years away in space??? ohh, come on!! please someone help me out :3

  3. There is help. I can’t help you much myself but there’s a lot on Wikipedia and Ted talks about cosmology, relativity, quantum systems theory, the many worlds hypothesis of Hugh Everett, and the quantum multiverse among other subjects. There are any number of great minds in the news of the day working on all this stuff and popularised books. Good hunting and good luck. May have a few thoughts of my own later which I hope won’t confuse you more. Know just how you feel.

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