5 thoughts on “The Adventures of Ashley Madder: Chapter Six, Page Thirty

  1. Is this what we call meta-fore-play or do I need my Serendipity Brown to fix everything by solving the time conundrum. “Hello learned elders… I’m Serendipity Brown and I’m here to discuss my recent paper entitled… Modeling Time as a Matrix of Multiple Equations with Infinite Variables… it’s a simple theory really… a lot like the TV game Jeopardy… we already know the solutions… the trick is getting the right equations to arrive at tomorrow’s solution…”

  2. Is this the last chapter of Ashley’s adventure????? wait, but that is no satisfactory or permanent conclusion??? what???? plz tell me there is atleast another one to be visited with a more secured faye for her :/

      • dude, plzz, she truly deserves a final & stable conclusion, not just some time travel loop, man. she is one of the beginning characters & also I guess one of the most fantacized women of Gnosis. she will never enjoy her flesh & blood life, but atleast her petrified nude body deserves a stable stage for display, I guess.

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