More Bubbles, Cover

South Seas Lola
Mais Bolhas, Capa
Are those bubbles really as innocuous as they seem?

This comics page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please keep in mind that any moral rights the artist has remain intact under this license.

We’re doing two minicomics this month in between The Adventures of Ashley Madder and a new guest volume by Vinnie Tesla. This one, More Bubbles, is a sort of sequel to the polyglot comic Bubbles, which you can read in any number of languages here. These comics, which are outside of the Gnosis College story, are part of the Fabulae Atroces Fausti. They will be published here in both English and the native language of the artist, for this one Brazilian Portuguese.

This comic’s artist is the Brazilian artist Suzarte, who has already contributed two pieces of bespoke art in conjunction with my graphic novella Bait.

Suzarte has an online presence at Portfoliobox and you can (as I do) also support him on Patreon.

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