Apprendre le français XXIV: Appât Page 27

Apprendre le français XXIII: Appât Page 26
Apprendre le français XXV: Appât Page 28

PAGE 27 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Turpentine and Claudia stand in front of the vague underwater image of the creature, illuminated with a lightbox as if it were an X-Ray. Both are wearing white coats. Turpentine is pointing to the large siphon-like structure.

Turpentine (1): So, I suppose this structure is actually a specialized feeding orifice.

Translation (1): Donc, je suppose que cette partie est en fait un orifice d’alimentation.

Claudia (2): When you’ve eliminated all the other possibilities, what remains, however implausible…

Translation (2): Lorsque vous avez éliminé toutes les autres possibilités, ce qui reste est cependant invraisemblable…

Panel 2: Turpentine back in his office, being interviewed.

Turpentine (3): Combining what we know from the native folklore and observed behavior and morphology, we seem compelled to conclude that every nineteen years, this creature comes near the surface and wants to eat young women.

Translation (3): En combinant ce que nous savons du folklore local et ce qui a été observé s’agissant de son comportement et de sa morphologie, nous sommes obligés de conclure que, tous les dix-neuf ans, cette créature arrive près de la surface et veut dévorer de jeunes femmes.

Panel 3: A closer-in view of the mass of tentacles in the underwater image.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (4): It enmeshes them in tentacles, stimulates them, and eats them. We have no idea why.

Translation (4): Elle les encercle dans ses tentacules, les excite et les mange. Nous ne savons pas pourquoi.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (5): Our methods to capture or closely study it have hitherto all failed.

Translation (5): Nos méthodes pour la capturer ou l’étudier de près ont jusqu’à présent toutes échoué.

Panel 4: Turpentine in his office, being interviewed.

Turpentine (6): We have been pushed to the conclusion that if you want to hook a fish, you have to have…bait.

Translation (6): Nous avons été poussés à la conclusion que si vous voulez attraper un poisson, il vous faut un… appât.

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