Apprendre le français XXVIII: Appât Page 31

Apprendre le français XXVII: Appât Page 30
Apprendre le français XXIX: Appât Page 32

PAGE 31 (Four panels)

Panel 1: HARVEY ELIGOS (“Eligos”), an elegant-looking man with a neatly trimmed Van Dyke beard and an expensive suit, sits across a polished wooden conference table in a conference room of a high-priced law firm. He is being interviewed. He looks and in control of his situation.

Unseen interviewer (1): We don’t understand about “non-suicidality.” Isn’t this a sort of suicide mission by definition?

Translation (1): Nous ne comprenons pas la notion de « suicidaire ». N’est-ce pas une sorte de mission suicide par définition ?

Eligos (2): No.

Translation (2): Non.

SUBTITLE (3): Harvey Eligos, J.D., Ph.D., legal psychologist and consultant.

Comment (3) : I’m adding a comment because the meaning of Eligos’s final letters might not be obvious in all contexts. “J.D.” stands for juris doctor and represents the terminal degree awarded by most America law schools after a three-year course of study, In most American states, it is a prerequisite for taking a bar examination and thus for being licensed to practice law. “Ph.D.” is short for philosophiae doctor and is a terminal degree awarded in American universities for completion of a program of advanced graduate study in an academic field and is generally regarded a prerequisite for a permanent appointment teaching in a university.

Translation (3): Harvey Eligos, docteur, psychologue et consultant.

Panel 2: Harvey, still in control, continuing his response to the interviewer.

Eligos (4): To be suicidal means wanting to end one’s life, and that’s what the testing on this project was meant to screen out.

Translation (4): Être suicidaire signifie vouloir mettre fin à sa vie, et c’est ce que les tests avaient pour but de détecter.

Eligos (5): Accepting the end of one’s life as a side-effect of achieving a higher goal, that’s not suicide.

Translation (5): L’acceptation de la fin de la vie comme un effet secondaire lié au fait d’atteindre un objectif plus élevé ne constitue pas un suicide.

Unseen interviewer (6): We still don’t understand.

Translation (6): Nous ne comprenons toujours pas.

Panel 3: View of a dead United States Marine (WWII era), lying face down in the mud, his rifle and various battle detritus strew about his corpse.

CAPTION – ELIGOS NARRATING (7): Suppose a Marine throws himself on a live grenade, sacrificing his own life to save those of his fellow Marines. Would we call that a suicide? Of course not. He nobly sacrificed his life to achieve a higher goal.

Comment (7): “A Marine,” that is a member of the United States Marine Corps, a land-combat branch of the United States Navy.

Translation (7): Supposons qu’un Marine se jette sur une grenade, sacrifiant sa vie pour sauver celles de ses camarades. Ce serait un suicide ? Bien sûr que non. Il a noblement sacrifié sa vie pour atteindre un but plus élevé.

Panel 4: Close-up on Eligos’s face.

Eligos (8): These researchers were looking for subjects interested in the higher goal of advancing science, among other things.

Translation (8): Ces chercheurs cherchaient des sujets intéressés par l’objectif plus élevé de faire progresser la science, entre autres choses.

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