Aprender español XVIII: Carnada 017

Aprender español XVII: Carnada 016
Aprender español XIX: Carnada 018
Texanos racistas ricos disfrutando en un crucero por los mares del sur.

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PAGE 17 (Four panels)

(Note: More Super 8 camera “footage.”)

Panel 1: Barron Sr. and a WEALTHY FRIEND (another corpulent middle-aged man), both wearing sunglasses, tacky Hawaiian shirts and Bermuda shorts, sitting on deck chairs sipping drinks.

Wealthy Friend (1): President Reagan sure did a number on those air traffic control thugs and their union, eh?

Translation (1): El presidente Reagan sin duda hizo lo que quiso con esos matones del control de tráfico aéreo y su sindicato, ¿no?

Barron Sr. (2): Here’s hoping he takes on the coons and the spics next.

Comment (2): “Coons” is a highly derogatory term for African-Americans, “spics” a highly derogatory term for Latino Americans. The use of them in dialog here is to show Petrobux as a nasty racist – something hardly unusual for a man of his social position and geographic origin. Translate them with discretion.

Translation (2): Esperemos que pronto se haga cargo de esos negritos y sudacas.

Panel 2: Wealthy friend is sitting up peering over his sunglasses, while Barron Sr. is waving Barron Jr. and his camera away with a gesture of his hand (indicate with motion lines).

Barron Sr (3): Move along, son. This is grown-up talk.

Translation (3): Sal de aquí, hijo. Esta es una conversación entre adultos.

Panel 3: Phoebe is in her bikini, leaning slightly backwards with her hands on the rail, looking forward, enjoying the sun and sea. She is also wearing sunglasses and her body glistens a bit from her having put on sunscreen.

Panel 4: Same as before, but now Phoebe is looking into Barron Jr.’s camera with an admonitory expression.

Phoebe (4): Barron…

Translation (4): Barron…

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)