Aprender español XXII: Carnada 021

Aprender español XXI: Carnada 020
Aprender español XXIII: Carnada 022
El monstruo de tentáculos abusa sexualmente de Phoebe.

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PAGE 21 (Single panel page)

(Note: footage)

Single panel: View into the water. We see Phoebe underwater, naked and surrounded by a roiling mass of tentacles, some of which appear to be penetrating all of her primary orifices. “Voices” can be heard suggesting the chaos on the Yellow Rose.

CAPTIONS AT VARIOUS POINTS AROUND THE PANEL (1): “Oh God, oh God!” “Kill that thing!” “Get it!” “Yes, Mr. Petrobux!” “I’m getting my gun!”

Translation (1): “¡Ay, Dios mío, ay, Dios mío!”. “¡Mátame esa cosa!”. “¡Mátala!”. “¡Sí, señor Petrobux!”. “¡Voy por mi arma!”.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)