5 thoughts on “Learning from Elders: Chapter 3, Page 12

  1. *facepalm* Yes, do let’s bury our heads in the sand instead of warning someone of a potentially dangerous situation and discussing it openly.

    • I think it’s more “if she doesn’t know about the potential effects of ‘pleasuring herself’ here, then she won’t be tempted”

      As an example, if I was to tell you that jizzing on an electric fence would give you the ultimate high, wouldn’t you be tempted, despite the danger? But if I kept that knowledge from you, you’d just think an electric fence was dangerous, and so you’d avoid it.

      Caveat: Jizzing on an electric fence will not give you any kind of high. But you would run the risk of an electric shock in a very sensitive area.

      • Speaking for myself, if I knew there was a supposed high BUT ALSO that there was danger to my health, I’d still avoid the electric fence.

        It’s about having the full picture. Ms. Mountjoy has no picture at all right now. Nobody’s even letting her look at the box. That’s going to cause trouble.

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